Denmark // August 2018

Amager Fælled, Copenhagen

Who shall live where, when and how?

On August 28th clouds came together with frogs, construction magnates and Bill Gates to discuss the future of Amager Fælled, of political representation of non-humans and how tech could be a part of all of this!

Everyone cannot live everywhere at the same time. Amager Fælled reminded us of this.

This realization demands us to rethink the way in which it is decided who has the right to exist and who should compose the jury. We must rapidly explore ways to learn to empathize with perspectives inherently alien to our own and use this to reach durable and just solutions.

As we do not know what will work we chose to experiment, fail and learn in real-life laboratories. Amager Fælled was the first step on the way to realizing Politics of Nature – to establish a Parliament of Things! 

This was the first edition of Politics of Nature.

Read action philosopher Oleg Koefoeds speech from the event here 

Co-organizers and credits
The event was co-organized with Oleg Koefoed (Growing Pathways), Rolf Bjerre (Den Kratiske Platform), Johan Stubbe Østergaard (Den Kratiske Platform), Nina Tofte Hansen (Arternes Århus). Pictures and video by Alexander Piruli. Poster design by Amalie Hovgesen. 

Denmark // July 2019

Masterclass in Fundamental Innovation, University of Southern Denmark

Hosted together with MIT Lecturer, Arne Hessenbruch

Summerschool for university startups. Three days of innovation guidance. Each startup would play minimum two rounds of PoN relating to their startup project to identify blind angles, opportunities and inclusion of forgotten stakeholders